Take Your Oral Health Care to New Heights With Braces Maintenance

 In Dental

Although not all braces are equal in the maintenance they require, it is highly recommended to take the time to care for and clean your braces so they can continue to correct your smile. Take your oral health care to new heights with brace maintenance. For more information about cleaning braces, see below:

  • In order to best serve your braces, avoid foods that can easily get caught between your braces and teeth and become difficult to remove.
  • To effectively ensure your braces will function properly, clean and disinfect your retainer at least once weekly.
  • It may be conceivable to damage a piece of your braces if you are not careful, and if it does happen, do not try to repair the damage on your own.
  • To effectively serve your smile, schedule meetings and routine checkups with your orthodontist to ensure your orthodontic care is going along smoothly.
  • If your standard floss cannot successfully work with your braces, try switching to a water flosser to ensure your teeth will continue to get the care they require.

If you would like to have your orthodontic braces cleaned by our team at Great Big Smiles Orthodontics, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael Bowen and our team at our orthodontics office in Scottsdale, Arizona. To schedule a visit, please call us at 480-948-4200. It’s never too late to enhance your smile!